HR Intelligence,HR Analytics & HR Metrics

HR Intelligence,HR Analytics & HR Metrics

At Oak Grove International HR Consultants, our objective is to help all our Clients to achieve Human Resources(HR) Transformation by designing and developing HR Analytics , HR Intelligence and HR Metrics so that Clients can manage ,measure and maximize the real value...
Total Rewards and Remuneration

Total Rewards and Remuneration

Oak Grove International HR Consultants helps it’s Clients to analyze , review, design and bench-mark Compensation & Benefits Structure (Total rewards  / Total Remuneration Structure) that in turn supports the Strategy of the Organization in attracting and...
Performance Management

Performance Management

  Performance Management System(PMS) is a process or tool to properly align an Employee’s Performance as per the Organizational goal and objectives. Our team of Outstanding Consultants have immense experience in designing , developing and implementing an...
Job Analysis, Job Description & Job Evaluation

Job Analysis, Job Description & Job Evaluation

Oak Grove International HR Consultants has specialty in designing / developing tailored Job Analysis (JA), Job Description (JD), Job Evaluation (JE), Grading and Compensation & Benefits Structure frameworks for it’s Customers / Clients in a wide range of Companies...