Outplacement Support

Outplacement Support

More and more Employees have been going through redundancy situations due to Organisational dynamics & changes in the external environment. Oak Grove International HR Consultants provides Outplacement services ( which may be on an organizational basis or...
Leadership Development

Leadership Development

Oak Grove International HR Consultants has tremendous experience of developing Managers and Leaders which in turn enable them to realize their true potential, encourage accelerated productiveness and dedication attain strategic goals and objectives. While we use...
Job Analysis, Job Description & Job Evaluation

Job Analysis, Job Description & Job Evaluation

Oak Grove International HR Consultants has specialty in designing / developing tailored Job Analysis (JA), Job Description (JD), Job Evaluation (JE), Grading and Compensation & Benefits Structure frameworks for it’s Customers / Clients in a wide range of Companies...
HR Advice and Support for SMEs

HR Advice and Support for SMEs

  Oak Grove International HR Consultants & Experts very well understands that SMEs start-ups work on tight finances. That’s the reason, we provide a flexible and cost-effective HR advice and support to SMEs on problems throughout employment lifecycle....
In-House HR Training Programs

In-House HR Training Programs

At Oak Grove International HR Consultants , we support in  Human Resources Capacity Building exercise for our Clients / Customers majorly through  2 services: In-house Training & Development Programs and Coaching & Mentoring programs. Our exceptional In-house...